It seems a bit strange to our generation and the current culture, but this was the title of a hit song during World War II. ‘Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition’ by Kay Kyser debuted in 1943 and quickly rose to the top of the charts. By today’s standards this song would be dismissed as propaganda, hypocrisy or even hate speech. But in the era of the ‘Greatest Generation’ this song was a natural expression of their reliance upon God and personal responsibility. They unashamedly held public prayer meetings asking God for protection and perseverance in their global struggle against the enemy of freedom. Added to their prayers, was a sense of duty –a sense of personal responsibility that compelled them to action.
Fast forward seven decades and our culture lacks both. We have lost our reliance upon God as well as the general concept of personal responsibility. Unfortunately this has also taken root in many churches today. While many would be quick to pray and beg God for revival, they do little to secure revival in their own heart. While we sing songs that highlight the plight of the lost and readily acknowledge their need of salvation, so few are willing to speak one word for Christ. The point is this: we need to pray and trust God to move in our communities but we must also put legs to our prayers. We must own our responsibility to be the man of God, the woman of God, the child of God –He has saved us to be!
So then, let us, Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition’! Not that we are fighting human enemies, but that we are engaged in a spiritual battle that requires both reliance upon God and personal responsibility.